We offer high impact Technological SolutionsPositioning your business in this area.At Forcast.
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Our Products
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEArtificial Intelligence can be summed up as all information technology that seeks to imitate human beings in their cognitive functions, such as the case of automatizing and optimizing a complex task that previously required highly intensive work hours. Have you considered how much time your company personnel invest in filling excel tables, managing inventories, checking up project milestones or the status of assets and equipment? Using our algorithms suites 4CastIoT, 4CastIPP, 4CastPdM, 4CastBI, 4CastDS you can automate or assist all these processes and more, thus significantly creating value or reducing costs for your company; you'll be joining the new industrial revolution.Each day passed there are more companies that invest or seek assessment for artificial intelligence projects. Don’t be bypassed, and take the advantage! Implement our software, train your staff, our first assessment is free.Optimize your processes by implementing our software solutions in business artificial intelligence. Improve your corporate image for investors as a industry pioneer!Generate customized alerts and automatic responses for every need and productive process of your company. Non sleeping assistance for your administration.
INTERNET OF THINGSThe very first step to bring your company to Digital Transformation is to connect any of your assets, machinery, cameras, software and data to the cloud or a local server, thus allowing the view of information or dispatch of instructions remotely and in real time from any device like a computer or a cellphone. This state of interconnection between assets, servers and devices is what is known as Internet of Things (IoT) and allows from this point onwards to implement data analysis and algorithms.The very first step for your company to reach Digital Transformation is to connect all your assets. Schedule a visit! Tell us about your needs and lets find a new solution in the new Industrial Revolution.Constant surveillance of your assets, set-up customized alerts and view your information from mobile devices. Implement algorithms from our 4CastGem Suite, to incorporate computer vision, predictive maintenance, business intelligence and data science.Knowledge is power. Complement your data with real-time analysis algorithms for computer vision (4CastIPP) and predictive maintenance (4CastPdM).Or give it more value with our data science algorithms 4CastDS suite to watch trends in real time. Your company under your control.
MACHINE LEARNINGMachine Learning consists in algorithms and associated software within the sphere of artificial intelligence that are able to "learn" how to improve how they process information or data sets (input), through the guided (or unguided) self-assessment of the results of this processing (output). Guided self-assessment of results requires human confirmation, but unguided self-assessment does not; and this one usually results in extraordinary unforeseen correlations or ideas that could have escaped even the keenest eye.Continuous learning process: With use and training, Machine Learning algorithms improve themselves. In Forcast we assure you results within the first 3 months, also getting better and better over time.Want to convey your value offer on your software? Through our continuous monitoring of the project from planning to execution, we will ensure that your software and system are tailored to your company needs, with the option of continuous improvement.Explore your data, Machine Learning algorithms can generate correlations and classifications in a guided and unguided way, generating new horizons and visions for your company information.
SOFTWARE FACTORYIn Forcast we carry out the entire process of digital transformation of your company: Consulting, Design, Development, Programming, Execution, Training, Maintenance. All with the necessary flexibility for your company, we can even deliver our projects turnkey. We make the FrontEnd (page, platform, mobile application, graphic elements) as well as the BackEnd (algorithms, databases, processing). All tailored to the needs of your company. Our algorithms are compatible with most commonly used ERP platforms. And if you don’t have such infrastructure, we can install it for you!Tailored software: Our software is adjusted to the needs of your company, our development is modular. Do you want simple software or a system that covers all your operations? It is within our capabilities.All our product is Chilean: Forcast’ is made by professionals and young university students in Chile. This also ensures fast technical service without intermediaries and the possibility of constant improvement and tweaking to systemsWe have a young and multidisciplinary team of Engineers, Designers, Scientists, Astronomers and Data Scientists with years of experience in the Start-Up world and programming in general.
PROJECT REDACTION & APPLICATIONSWe specialize in the creation, application and execution of projects for internal or external financial instruments, raising more than US $ 1.5 MM for financing. We are experts in fundraising of projects in Chile, ready to help you in your soft landing in Latin America.We take care of the study, writing and fundraising of your project Accompanying you at every step. Do not spend more time and money on several consultants or ineffective “creative platform” events, in Forcast we do everything in one: from Design to Execution and Maintenance. Straight to the point.Project postulation in Chile: If you are interested in Latin America for expanding your company or start-up, we are available to assist you in the soft landing of your business in Chile or the postulation in competitive funding instances open to international actors.Do you want to appraise and increase your company's innovation capacity but need funding? In Forcast we can prepare for your company a project portfolio for innovation and machine learning projects.
OUTSOURCING TIAt Forcast. we provide outsourcing services to trained IT professionals to execute high-value, high-impact digital transformation projects for our clients.Service CapacityPersonalized service in which the client's business needs are first understood and then propose technological solutions backed by business cases.Agile cells subcontracting with deliverables and specific indicators that detect the proposed value capture.Outsourcing of trained personnel for a limited time according to the specific needs of the client.IT Project ConsultingAgile Teams
After steam power, electricity and internet, we have reached the era of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. In FORCAST we want to bring each and every industrial sector to be part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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